“Best Start” Lactation Package
Plan for the best start to breastfeeding support before baby arrives.
1 -Prenatal Visit (1.5hr-2hrs) prior to birth
Lactation Counselor will address any of the following:
• Help you create your feeding care plan
• Address your personal concerns and create a plan to overcome obstacles
• Present breastfeeding tips and demonstrations to you and to any family members supporting you in the postpartum period
• Provide paced-feeding education
• Provide information regarding your breast pump selection
3 two- hour face to face lactation visits within 2 weeks after the birth
Lactation Counselor will address any of the following:
• Assess any breastfeeding discomfort, including sources of discomfort in the breasts themselves, such as clogged ducts, mastitis and cracked/bleeding nipples
• Assess infant latch
• Provide an infant weight check
• Provide coaching to increase milk supply, if needed
• Help you create an infant feeding plan for returning to work or school, including breast pump instruction and safe milk storage
• Phone, Text, and email support (For 4 weeks after baby is born)
• Breastfeeding and Postpartum referrals (if necessary)
$300, payable via Square invoice before scheduled session
Additional visits: $50 per hour