While physiological and data driven information is important in order to make informed choices, there is a holistic aspect of pregnancy and birth that shouldn’t be forgotten. Here you’ll find various links and downloads to address this topic.
The Holistic Stages of Labor by Whapio
Interview on the Holistic stages of Birth with Whapio - youtube
Communing With the Spirit of Your Unborn Child: A Practical Guide to Intimate Communication With Your Unborn or Infant Child
Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: A Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth Through Meditation, Ayurveda, and Yoga Techniques
Deepak Chopra, M.D.David Simon, M.D.Vicki Abrams
Releasing the Mother Goddess: Embrace pregnancy and childbirth with physical, emotional, and spiritual power
Blessingways: A Guide To Mother-centered Baby Showers - Celebrating Pregnancy, Birth, And Motherhood
Mother Rising: The Blessing Way Journey into Motherhood
*please note* the term “Blessing Way” is an indigenous (while interpreted into English) term. Please use it with respect and educate those around you where it comes from if you choose to host a Blessing Way event in your pregnancy.