At your second visit, taking place around your 36th week of pregnancy, we’ll go over your created Birth Preferences sheet, check-in on how your care provider visits are going, discuss early labor signs, communicating in labor, focus on postpartum life and newborn care.
Enjoying the Last Few Weeks of Pregnancy - I created this handout after a mama told me, after a week of evening contractions that would phase out, that she “was going crazy and making welcome signs for the baby!” I thought this was a great idea, and created a whole list of things to do while families wait on the day their baby decides to make their appearance.
Smart Birth Affirmations - No matter how your baby gets here, these affirmations support your journey.
Ideas for your Hospital/Birth Center bag
COMFORT MEASURES LINKS - we’ll discuss these at your visit, but here are videos to practice with and a handout to get you thinking about what might work for you. Keep in mind, you don’t have to remember all of this. That’s my job!
Labor Coping Skills and Comfort Measures- handout
The Importance of Postpartum Care
Newborn sleep through the first year
Paced Feeding with a Bottle (breastmilk or formula)
Do’s and Don’ts of Tummy Time - I love this one!